EMS Education Tips

Alternative Posting Location: Train for patient lifts and moves

Lifting and moving a patient-loaded stretcher might feel routine for the crew, but it is a novel experience for the patient. Lifting the stretcher into the ambulance should be treated as a high-risk moment for the patient and the crew. Watch this stretcher drop video and then use the Reality Training discussion questions on EMS1 […]

News and Events

What’s the longest you have waited for an ambulance?

An Oklahoma City fire company transported an injured child in the fire engine after deciding they could no longer wait for an ambulance. Read the article, Is fire engine transport ever the best choice for an injured child?, on EMS1. When I was an EMT in far northern Wisconsin sometimes we waited 20 or 30 […]

Product Reviews

Product Review: BuckleGarde

Post update 3/1 – another story published today about a teen being driven to a psychiatric hospital loosened his restraints and jumped from a moving ambulance. (Story at Periodically I read or hear stories about patients, usually with known mental illness, that undo the cot buckles and jump from the moving ambulance. (news story […]