March 7 to 13 is National Sleep Awareness Week.
Are you getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours per night? Most nights I am able to get almost 8 hours of sleep. I have recently ratcheted up my weekly running miles so getting enough sleep is more important than ever. Some of my recent efforts to increase both my hours of sleep and restfulness include.
1. Unplugging the TV in the bedroom. I am falling asleep sooner and faster without the TV.
2. Setting a consistent wake-up time. At least 4 days a week I set an alarm for 5:45 a.m.
3. No caffeine after 4 pm.
4. Light snacks or no snacks in the hours just before bed.
What helps you get enough sleep?
Learn more about National Sleep Awareness Week, but not at the expense of getting a good nights sleep.