I attended the Pinnacle EMS Conference in Boca Raton, Fla. last week. I wrote quick take articles for many of the sessions I attended.
What’s the future of EMS? – a facilitated discussion on the EMS Agenda 2050
Fatigue in EMS: Preview of an evidence-based guideline – early glimpse at the recommendations coming from the Fatigue in EMS project
EMS leaders should expect, prepare for cyberattack – your agency is not ready
Why EMS is important to the patient’s experience – opening keynote presentation
Proactive EMS approaches to the opioid crisis – panel discussion from four EMS agencies.
EMS Trend Report presentation
On the final morning of Pinnacle I co-presented with Catherine R. Counts the findings from the 2017 EMS Trend Report: The forces shaping the future of EMS.
Watch/listen to a Periscope live stream of the presentation.
Exhibit Hall
There was an exhibit hall – mostly software and services for dispatch, communications, billing, collections and operations. Two things – 1) Fidget spinners have replaced stress/squeeze balls and 2) Odd interactive devices. I am not sure what the point of this was.
There were ambulance vendors but the most deluxe ambulance I saw all week was this Boca Raton Fire Rescue unit parked outside the hotel.
Pinnacle 2017
If you are EMS leader or aspiring EMS leader join me for Pinnacle 2018.