Book Reviews EMS Tips

Book Review: Google+ for Business by Chris Brogan

Google+ is Google’s foray into social networking and how to use it for business is the topic of [amazon-product text=”Google+ for Business” type=”text”]0789749149[/amazon-product] by marketing expert and social media evangelist Chris Brogan. In the book, which I read on my Kindle Fire, Chris overviews Google+ with a focus on business. Considering the challenge of writing a book during the infancy of the social network I thought the book capably reviewed the features of Google+ while teaching principles that are applicable to any social network.

Be Friendly

Chris writes, “People do business with people they like.” To succeed with social network it is paramount to be friendly, personable, and share content that matters to your audience. Finding the right mix of business and personal probably depends a lot on the industry, audience, and product.

Key Points

The points that Chris reinforced with examples and interviews throughout the book were:

  • Share links, videos, articles, and updates that are interesting and relevant to your audience
  • Listen to the conversation about your market and product
  • Add value to the conversation with insights and expertise

Have a Set of Rules of Engagement

Chris advocates for a set of rules of engagement for employees that are going to be using Google+ and other social networks for business. “Rules of

Engagement” is another way of having a policy. I recently wrote on the whether the rules of engagement should permit fire and EMS personnel to post photos in uniform or with department vehicles or equipment.

The rules of engagement will vary for your industry or organization and should trend towards sharing, connecting, and focusing efforts. I am regularly fine tuning my personal rules of engagement for social media usage. After reading I have renewed focus for my online activities. I want to ensure my online identity matches with my self-identity. I see myself as a content creator, educator, paramedic, and marathon runner. I want to ensure that is the identity my online connections are seeing as well.

Are you on Google+? I would be glad to add you to my EMS Circle. 


By Greg Friese

Greg Friese, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, is an author, educator, paramedic, and marathon runner.

Greg was the co-host of the award winning EMSEduCast podcast, the only podcast by and for EMS educators. Greg has written for,, Wilderness Medical Associates, JEMS Magazine, and EMS World Magazine, and the NAEMSE Educator Newsletter.