This is a guest app review by critical care paramedic JD Graziano. If you want to guest post or review on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
EMT Review, a new iPhone app, is sleek, sophisticated and can be used anywhere at anytime. This app is a tool for education, and in my opinion in a world were there is lots of education with a lack of motivation, this tool is a breath of fresh air. The app challenges
the experienced and the new EMS professional with questions from these categories: preparatory, airway, patient assessment, medical emergencies, trauma emergencies, special populations and operations. Since the app has several options for interactions the user is able to test, train and educate themselves at anytime.
Customized Testing
Within the tool, the user is able to add specific questions needed to test certain areas of knowledge. If you feel like an area of your testing knowledge is weak, you can design lists of 5,10, or 20 questions to brush up in that area .
If the user is feeling smart, then the app has a “challenge me” section. You will get randomized questions from any of the above mentioned topics. I found this section refreshing and fun. It forces you to think about treatments and patient’s condition while gaining critical thinking experience.
Answers Explained
Finally, with each question you receive a rationale of why your answer was wrong or correct. This is a great feature in my opinion because the user is able to learn new material or reinforce existing knowledge. For students this education through testing practice is essential. So when you preceptor asks why you performed a specific procedure, or wants to know a particular on a disease process, you response will not be “that’s what the book said to do” or “ I don’t know, I just memorized that what I was supposed to do.” Instead an intelligible answer will be given and you will be treating your patient with confidence.
Available on iTunes
EMT Review is available on iTunes and can be purchased for $3.99. I am hopeful that updated versions of the EMT Review app for the iPhone will give users access to more questions. The app currently contains about 150 questions.
In conclusion, the EMT Review app is well worth the price. It is adaptable to the user’s needs to practice which is essential for an quiz review app.
JD Graziano is a CCEMT-P currently working for Iowa County Ambulance Service, a rural service in Iowa County, IA. He has been in EMS for 8 years and also has a background in backcountry rescue, avalanche, and snow safety. Contact him on Twitter @ajdgrazinao or email