EMT and EMS Blogger David Konig works in a busy urban EMS system where he is frequently asked by bystanders about how to become an EMT. David tells them the first start is to become a certified EMT. These are David’s five Everyday EMS Tips, originally posted at DavidKonig.com, to become a certified EMT.
1. Decide why you want to get into EMS. This isn’t a profession you choose to become rich. The true reward in this line of work is in helping people. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to get a paycheck and get rich, EMS is not the right path for you.
2. Volunteer departments are a good place to get started. They can provide you with both hands on experience and direct you to a training program for certification. Some states, such as New York and Wisconsin, also offer funding for original training certification in exchange for volunteer hours.
3. Training centers can come in various forms. Some of them may be hospital based, college based, or private centers. Ask some local EMTs what programs they recommend. Chances are, they are graduates or have worked with graduates of the many program options in your city or region. Choosing a program with a bad reputation is not in your best interest either clinically or in your efforts to gain employment.
4. Take advantage of what your program offers, including any additional non-mandatory skills labs and study groups they may have. The more comfortable you become with the material you have been taught the greater the likelihood is that you will become successful initially and later in your career.
And finally…
5. Remember that education in EMS does not stop at the end of your class. There is still your state test to take and there is always National Registry to consider. There are many online resources that you can turn to in preparation for these tests, including the webinar offered by EMS Bootcamp that focuses exclusively on test taking. Take advantage of these opportunities both before and after you get your EMT certification.
Although every location is a bit different, David’s Everyday EMS Tips will help you get started in an EMS career. Use the comments area to ask David your questions about becoming an EMT. Also make sure to visit and subscribe to his blog.