EMS Education Tips

Audio Podcast: 3 Tips for Educators to Engage the Audience

Rommie Duckworth gives three great tips for encouraging students to ask questions in this short audio podcast. Thanks Rommie! When you use Rommie’s third tip trying adding an adjective. I like to say, “I will answer 3 awesome questions.”

EMS Tips

Video: EMS Office Hours Live Q and A

Have an EMS question? Ask Jim Hoffman during his weekly online video office hours. Join Jim every Thursday at 3 p.m. EST.  

EMS Tips

Tips for New Paramedics

Being a new paramedic is much different than being a competent paramedic. Starting a new job, regardless of your training level and experience, adds additional stress. Jim Hoffman discusses the stress of being a new paramedic. He emphasizes the importance of systematically assessing every patient and assuring the patient’s ABCs are being managed. If you […]