Today I depart for Reno, Nevada for the 2011 National Association of EMS Educators Symposium. The annual event brings together paramedic and EMT educators from around the world for training, product evaluation, and networking. At NAEMSE I am looking forward to:
1. Co-Presenting Effective Visual Presentations with Kyle David Bates. We have previously presented this workshop at NAEMSE and other EMS educator conferences in Florida, Illinois, New York, and Alaska. Learn more.
2. Talking about online education with other EMS educators that are using web-based tools for initial and refresher training.
3. Exploring Reno by foot. I have a 20 mile training run planned for Saturday morning. @UnwiredMedic is helping me plan a scenic, challenging, and safe running route. Care to join me for all or a portion of the run?
4. Seeing presentations from the best of the best in EMS education.
5. Re-uniting with EMS education colleagues. Some I just saw two weeks at EMS World Expo. Some I have not seen since EMS World Expo 2011.
6. Gathering topic and guest ideas for future episodes of the EMSEduCast – the podcast by and for EMS educators.
7. Sharing lots of EMS education success stories and resources on Twitter using the hashtag #NAEMSE.
Are you attending NAEMSE? What are you looking forward to?