Researchers have busted the myth that hands-free devices are safer than holding a cell phone while driving. Read this article about a study that showed hands-free devices are not safer than hand-held phones.
A distracted driver is a dangerous driver. Follow these Everyday EMS Tips for eliminating driver distraction:
1) Don’t text and drive.
2) Don’t talk and drive.
3) Ask your partner passenger to receive phone calls, talk on the phone, read and send text messages, and navigate any time the vehicle is in motion.
4) Postpone phone calls until you have returned to quarters, cleaned the ambulance, or parked at a posting position.
5) Silence your phone’s audible and disable visual alerts so you are not aware of incoming calls or text messages.
Finally, follow your company policies. I worked for one ambulance company that did not allow the driver or passenger to place calls any time the ambulance was in motion (except for calling report to the hospital by the paramedic in the patient care compartment).