JEMS Magazine is now available as digital magazine download. Browse to to subscribe to the digital version.
Here are three Everyday EMS reasons to read trade publications – print or digital:
1. Medicine is dynamic. Assessment and treatment practices are always changing. Articles and advertisements in trade magazines can help you stay up-to-date with our industry.
2. Read during your downtime. Whether you are posting or standing by at the station EMS providers often have down time. Fill some of those hours by reading to improve your knowledge.
3. Be part of a larger community. There are nearly 1 million EMS providers in the United States. Reading a trade publication puts that community at your finger-tips. Reading articles about other systems and seeing EMS in action in other places helps connect you to the larger world of EMS.
Subscribe to the print versions of two of my favorites:
Jems : Journal of Emergency Medical Services
EMS Magazine