Road ID, the leaders in identification products for runners and cyclists, has launched an outreach campaign to teach first responders about their products. I am a long-time Road ID user and proud to assist them in this important education effort. When I am training for a marathon or on a long distance bike ride I have the minimum gear I need. I rarely carry a phone and never have room for my wallet, but I always have my Road ID band around my wrist. If I were to become ill or injured first responders could use my Road ID to identify me and to contact my wife.
As the active outdoor recreation season opens across North America please do me these favors:
1) Learn about the different types of Road ID products
2) Post a “Where to Find Road ID” poster in your station
3) Build a habit by checking all patients for medical ID products
4) Get outdoors as often as you can to walk, hike, run, or swim