
EMSEduCast Reunion at NAEMSE

Last week at the 2014 National Association of EMS Educators Symposium Bill Toon, Rob Theriault, and myself met face-to-face for the first time. Even though we had co-hosted more than 100 episodes of the EMSEduCast we had never gathered in the same place. Turns out that I enjoy their company as much (actually more) in person as I did on Skype.

We all enjoyed the chance to meet many EMSEduCast guests at NAEMSE.

All episodes of the award-winning EMSEduCast are still available for download and you are welcome to connect with other EMS Educators at

2014-09-20 13.27.50


By Greg

Elearning designer, writer, podcaster, blogger, presenter and paramedic. To relax I run and bike as far and as fast as I can. Also like to read a lot and fast.