EMS Tips

EMS Tips – Training Games – FirstNet Quiz – Vehicle in the Window

1. Virtual and augmented reality games train teachers, first responders

There are lots of ways to prepare teachers, students and first responders for an active shooter incident. A grant-funded project is using virtual reality ( to simulate an active shooter incident at a school.

“The United States Army and Homeland Security Department are in the midst of creating a virtual reality experience they hope will help train educators on how to react in the event of a school shooting.”

Be the shooter? WTF?

“Users can take on three roles in the virtual reality experience: teacher, shooter and officer.”

Another game: “Your role is to perform primary triage. In the game, you will use the combined START/JumpSTART triage tool.”

9/11 virtual reality game crossed the line from training to disrespect.

2. How well do you know FirstNet, a quiz

In late 2017 all 50 states opted into FirstNet. It’s time for every first responder to understand FirstNet and its functions. Test your existing knowledge of FirstNet with this quiz.

3. Car goes through second story window

By now you’ve probably seen the video of an out-of-control car jumping a median and launching into the air before crashing through the second floor window of a building. After the ‘WOW’ consider these questions:

If you were first on scene:

  • Would you enter the building?
  • How can you begin to assess the victims while waiting for a building/vehicle stability assessment?
  • How far away from the building should you stand, position the ambulance and establish a peremiter?
  • What additional resources do you need?

By Greg Friese

Greg Friese, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, is an author, educator, paramedic, and marathon runner.

Greg was the co-host of the award winning EMSEduCast podcast, the only podcast by and for EMS educators. Greg has written for,, Wilderness Medical Associates, JEMS Magazine, and EMS World Magazine, and the NAEMSE Educator Newsletter.