1. Lawful on-duty firearm carry for W. Va. responders (EMS1.com)
W. Va. HB 2916 would allow supervisors to give first responders permission to carry guns if they have successfully completed training and attend annual qualification classes.
Fire Chief Dave Caudill said he fully supports the bill as it helps keep first responders safe.
“On more than one occasion, I’ve had a knife pulled on me inside a house with basically nowhere to escape to,” Chief Caudill said. “It’s a very dangerous world out there and you really never know what you’re going to get into. It’s not for everybody to do, but the ones who have the ability and have the training. It would be a way to protect our people and also to protect the public.”
Increasingly cops are being asked to use AEDs, reverse opioid overdose and stop bleeding. And some EMTs, paramedics and firefighters are clamoring to carry guns to protect the public.
2. Polaris for ambulance response … because we can (EMS1.com)
Dubai Corporation of Ambulance Services member Mohammad Mohsin Al Qafli told Gulf News that the Polaris bike can run at speeds of 136 mph and will be used by advanced paramedics to reach a victim as fast as possible.