I have a lot of tech stuff – multiple computers, a couple of iPods, a blackberry, and even a Kindle. But I drive a 1996 Subaru Legacy Wagon that I am attempting to drive to the moon (212,000 miles on the odometer with ~28,000 to go). The car does have cruise, power windows, a working heater, a radio that scans, and power steering but I am pretty sure it is lower tech than the new pair of boots I received from Magnum Boots USA. The kind folks at Magnum USA were kind enough to send me a pair of size 10.5 Elite Force WPI boots with IonMask technology.
My needs for boots are pretty straightforward:
1) comfortable out of the box
2) lacing that can adjust the fit to my goofy foot structure
3) wear for 12+ hours straight without having to take them off
4) absolutely waterproof if advertised as waterproof
5) don’t need to understand the tech but expect it to work
We are entering mud season in Central Wisconsin so it is the perfect time to field test a new pair of boots. The snow is melting fast and puddles are everywhere. Over the next month I will be wearing my Elite Force boots on and off duty to give them a thorough work-up. I will post a review at the end of the month. When that review posts I will also be giving away a brand new pair of Magnum boots. Stay tuned for details on how to enter.
Meanwhile check out this video that describes the IonMask technology (makes me feel like a bit of a super hero).