
Book Recommendations for EMTs and Paramedics November 2013

Looking for a great gift for the EMT or Paramedic in your life? Or need a great book to pass the time between calls?


I just finished (about 20 minutes ago) [amazon-product text=”Paramedico” type=”text”]0007492510[/amazon-product] by Benjamin Gilmour. Ben shares stories from 15 years of traveling the world as a paramedic and the many services he rode with.

I read much of Paramedico while sitting in my deer stand this past week.

There is a good chance that many deer walked in front of me because I was so captivated by Paramedico. It is EXCELLENT!

A blurry view from my tree stand

Listen to Jamie Davis of the MedicCast interview Ben Gilmour on a special episode of the Medical Author Chat podcast.

Pride of the Hills

My good friend, author, blogger, and EMT Dave Konig gave me a signed copy of Paramedico when we were together in Las Vegas at EMS World Expo. Dave has a new book of his own, [amazon-product text=”Pride of the Hills: a Vollies Memoir” type=”text”]B00GNRUIME[/amazon-product], which is available as an ebook and a paperback book.


Dave and I shared several meals in Las Vegas with noted EMS blogger Rogue Medic. I was lucky to eat many meals with EMS Bloggers in 2013. In April I had breakfast with Michael Morse, author of [amazon-product text=”Responding” type=”text”]B00FT2LASK[/amazon-product]. Mr. Morse’s second book is about a 39 hour shift in Providence, RI. It is the sequel to his other excellent book, [amazon-product text=”Rescuing Providence” type=”text”]B0059GMDG4[/amazon-product].

Riding Through Grief
[amazon-product text=”Riding Through Grief” type=”text”]0989792315[/amazon-product] is a book by the mother of a young man (Matt) killed while cycling. I knew Matt as a young teen and college student when he was a camper at Camp Manito-wish and then a wilderness trip counselor.

The book is a terrific memoir of Matt. One reason the story might resonate with EMTs and paramedics is how life continues (or not) for the deceased’s family after sudden traumatic death. The impact on some is forever even though the healthcare provider encounter with the survivors is very brief.

Note: the above links are Amazon Affiliate links. Purchases you make after clicking on one of those links results in a small commission to support the costs of this site. 

By Greg

Elearning designer, writer, podcaster, blogger, presenter and paramedic. To relax I run and bike as far and as fast as I can. Also like to read a lot and fast.