Buck Feris, a paramedic and EMS educator, discusses the role of vasopressin in cardiac arrest resuscitation. For a long time epinephrine has been the fist line medication for Vfib/Vtach. Buck is hearing that vasopressin might fully replace epi in upcoming ACLS guidelines. Listen and find out why. Do you agree with Buck? Respond to Buck in the comments area.
As with any medication and procedure follow your local protocols and stay within the scope of practice that you are licensed and authorized to use.
Do you want to learn more about cardiac arrest resusctiation and improving survival? I highly recommend the book Resuscitate!: How Your Community Can Improve Survival from Sudden Cardiac Arrest . The author comprehensively lays out what we know about sudden cardiac arrest and what communities need to do in the short term and the long term to improve survival.