A paramedic student wrote in this question to the EMSEduCast podcast hosts:
“I am looking for a patient assessment generator to practice patient assessment. During clinical some of the most helpful time is when my preceptor gives me a situation and I verbally walk through it. What other ways can I practice patient assessment?”
Here are five Everyday EMS Tips to practice patient assessment, without actually having real patients.
1. Purchase a patient case study book. These books typically present a series of patient cases. Each case includes a scenario, thought provoking questions, and recommended assessments and treatments.
2. Read all of the EMS Magazine columns by Dr. James Augustine. In each column Dr. Augustine presents a scenario encountered by the famous Attack 1 Crew. Before reading how the case resolved write down what you would do. Write your own PCR for the incident.
3. Read blogs by EMS professionals. A lot of us write about different cases we encounter. Search for these:
4. Ask your fellow students about patients they are encountering during clinical and ride along experiences. Talk through what was done: good, bad, different, etc. share and discuss. Turn the whiteboard into a big PCR and chalk talk the entire encounter.
5. Enroll in upcoming sessions of EMSBootCamp.com. Most live sessions are offered at no cost and present different patient scenarios with ample time for questions and answers. There is also a library of excellent archived sessions.
How else can you practice patient assessment?