Social Media Tips

Monitor the Social Web with RSS Feeds

Your EMS organization or fire department can monitor the social web using searches and RSS feeds. Step 1: Create at least one Google Alert for your department, organization or business. Consider other alerts for names of key personnel, community name with key words like fire and EMS, and other search terms relevant to your business […]

EMS Education Tips

3 Craigs List Uses for EMS Educators

I am a Craigs List junkie. I am always scouring for my next used bike or some other item of interest. Here are three EMS Education uses for Craigs List. 1. Buy/Sell training manikins. 2. Find free or buy gently used furniture for your simulation lab. 3. Find models with specific medical conditions for photo […]

Social Media Tips

Essential #EMS Feeds for your Blog Reader

Last week I asked, “How do you read blogs?” Many Everyday EMS Tips readers told me they use a feed reader, like Google Reader, to stay up to date on EMS and connected with their favorite bloggers. Regular professional reading is a great habit for EMS professionals. I routinely find blogs posts that are as […]