I am home from EMS Today. I had a great time presenting, meeting the 2012 EMS10 Innovation Award winners, attending the premier of Code STEMI, and visiting with many EMS friends from around the world.
Some quick thoughts post EMS Today:
1. The Social Medic is posting reviews of the sessions he is attending, www.thesocialmedic.net
2. Nominations are open for the 2012 Fire and EMS Blogs of the year contest, hosted by the FireCritic.com
3. Watch the premiere episode of the Code STEMI web video series sponsored by Physio-Control. Code STEMI.
4. The R-CAT Window for STEMI was awarded a best new product award today at the EMS Today exhibit hall. Congratulations! Learn more at EKG Concepts.
5. On the show floor I looked for pediatric transport devices. I was disappointed with what was available and for the most part pediatric devices seemed to be an after thought in the few booths and ambulances in which they appeared.
6. On the plane from BWI to DWI I sat next to a salesman from EW Grobbel corned beef. He was a fascinating person and we had an hour of great conversation. I am going to eat corned beef, for the first time ever, in a few weeks.
7. Look at this photo. Intentional or not intentional?