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National Coffee Day Production and Consumption Tips

As a fan of national days of no particular importance I am especially pleased to tell you that today is National Coffee Day. I celebrated with my usual morning cup of coffee from my single cup maker (Amazon link) – no more, no less. Thanks Coffee Nate for bringing this important day to my attention.

Follow these Everyday EMS Tips for coffee production and consumption in the EMS workplace.


1. If you kill the pot make a new pot.

2. Don’t empty a pot and leave just 3 teaspoons left in the pot pretending you did not kill it. See tip 1.

3. Please never slurp. I would rather hear you talk with a lisp for the rest of the shift because of your swollen tongue that hear you slurp.

4. If you have a favorite mug put your name on it or don’t complain when I use it.

5. Styrofoam cups are so 1989. Please upgrade to a reusable mug or at least a nice paper cup.

6. If you are going to brag about how you never wash your reusable mug don’t call-in sick when you have the stomach flu.

7. After you move my coffee you better tell me where it is.

8. Make sure the lid is on tight because I am not responsible if your cup spills when you leave it precariously balanced on center console next to the toughbook and three boxes of gloves.

9. NEVER EVER use your coffee cup as a spittoon and leave it in the rig for the next crew to deal with. GROSS!

I need your coffee production and consumption tips so I am better prepared to celebrate in 2010.


By Greg Friese

Greg Friese, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, is an author, educator, paramedic, and marathon runner.

Greg was the co-host of the award winning EMSEduCast podcast, the only podcast by and for EMS educators. Greg has written for,, Wilderness Medical Associates, JEMS Magazine, and EMS World Magazine, and the NAEMSE Educator Newsletter.