This is a guest post by David Konig. This post originally posted at If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
One of the questions I seem to get quite a bit is how hard is it to write a blog post?
The short answer is that it is not hard at all.
The long answer is that, like a lot of things we do in public safety or public health, it is a process that you can become more proficient at the more you do it. Over the years I’ve refined my process with both major and minor changes that have optimized my work flow.
Here is the checklist style process that I am currently using for your reference with critical actions bolded:
Post Size-Up
- Determine the story that you want to tell in the post
- Title the post
- Consider all the elements (photos, videos, etc.) you want to use to tell that story
- Estimate the appearance of the post on the spokes you want to use to spread it
Initial Blogging
- Write the post without regard for anything other than the essentials of your idea
- Once the essentials are down, go back and fill in additional detail
Focused Editing
Go back to your initial writing and begin editing
- Focus on the paragraph flow
- Read your post out loud. How does it actually sound? Edit the rough spots.
- Focus on correct spelling and grammar usage
- Read your post out loud again. Does it sound the way you want your reader to hear it?
- Format and start placing your elements in your post including Strong and Emphasis tags to enhance your search engine optimization
- Read through your post to make sure none of your added elements break your flow
- Double check the proper spelling of names
- Double check links
- Does your title still work with the finished product? If not, re-title it
Finally either publish or schedule your post for publishing. Does your post appear the way you thought it would? If not, fix it.
- Check all your links to make sure they are working
- Check your RSS Feed in your feed reader to make sure the post a) appears and b) still functions
- Is everything working? If not, fix whatever needs fixing. If everything’s perfect, have a large French Vanilla Ice Coffee light with cream and with four Splendas.
Published Examination
While I find this to be the most effective and optimal process for myself, it may not be for you. Don’t be afraid to change something to make it work better from your perspective, but keep in mind the bolded critical actions you should take before, during, and after writing each blog post to assure yourself of high quality, authoritative, and trusted content.