I wanted to know how often an ambulance responds to an injured football player. With the help of the ESO EMS Index I was able to determine the frequency of incidents and injury types for more than 1,000 EMS agencies in the U.S. Read Data: How often does EMS respond to injured football players on EMS1.com — […]
Tag: Injury
It’s time to rethink roadway safety
In 2016 two medical helicopters (Florida and New Mexico) have been struck by drunk drivers. Also struck by drunk drivers: Tow trucks and operators Police cruisers and law enforcement officers Ambulances and paramedics Fire trucks and firefighters It’s time to rethink roadway safety and apply hazardous materials concepts of time, distance and shielding. Read my […]
Lightning: 3 Things Tuesday
I am sure you have seen this photograph … Yesterday an NBCNews.com story reported on where the brothers shown in the photo are now – 38 years later. Lightning is a leading weather related cause of injury and death. Its danger is underestimated by children, parents, youth sport coaches, and outdoor enthusiasts. Remember these three […]
Q1 2013 EVENT Reports Posted
I hope you can take a few moments to read the near miss and incident reports your EMS colleagues are sharing with the EMS Voluntary Event Notification Tool. Learn more about EVENT on episode 164 of the EMSEduCast podcast. I received this email update on the 1st Quarter 2013 reports: We have posted the summary […]
I saw this photo earlier this morning at JSOnline.com and it has been on my mind much of the day. I didn’t read the story and I didn’t read it now. Honestly, I can’t get past the photo. I have just read many of the reader comments and relieved that I am not the only […]
No. According to this article, “Reducing Minor Injuries Does Not Translate to Reduction in Serious Injuries and Fatalities.” This short summary blew up one of my long held risk management beliefs that building a culture of safety that strives to prevent all injuries and a system of near miss reporting that identifies near misses that […]
In my previous post I talked about using the abdominals. Remember, to use the abdominals and suck in the belly button. Do not push out! This has to be the first muscle group used with all movement. Why are the abdominals important? The body works from the center, out. The abdominals are in the center […]
One of the most popular RapidCE.com lessons is about how avalanches happen, the injuries that result, and treatment guidelines. Most students comment that will likely never be in a situation to care for an avalanche victim, but they enjoy learning about something different. The essence of continuing education is to increase your knowledge about a […]
Low Back Pain is a pervasive medical problem. Four out five American adults will experience low back pain. Complementary and alternative medicine is frequently sought to deal with Low Back Pain. As an EMS professional you know the risks of back injury as well as the frequency with which you encounter patients with low back […]