
Improvements to S.A.L.T. Airway System

As emergency medical providers, we know firsthand that effective airway management is an essential skill to learn. Oftentimes when these skills are put to the test we don’t have the luxury of time, a convenient location, or even a clear line of sight. When faced with these circumstances, an alternate airway device can make all […]

Product Reviews Products

Product Review: S.A.L.T. (Supraglottic Airway Laryngopharyngeal Tube) Airway System

This is a guest post by Steve Lercari BA/BS, EMT-P. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. Note: On November 29, 2012 ECOLAB contacted me to let readers know that the S.A.L.T. II is now available. Find information on their website. Read about improvements to the S.A.L.T. S.A.L.T. […]