Products Uncategorized

WEMSA Wrap-up: People and Products #WEMSA

The Wisconsin EMS Association is one of the biggest state conference exhibit halls. I have heard Texas is bigger (but isn’t everything bigger in Texas), but other than EMS World and EMS Today I haven’t seen a bigger state EMS exhibit hall. Note: this is my final post from WEMSA. Catch-up with Day 1, Day […]

EMS Education Tips

Video: Paramedic Intern Demonstrates Intubation Technique

I first saw this video of a paramedic intern demonstrating intubation technique on the blog. There are a bunch of things I like about this video: 1. Medic students dressed in uniforms and PPE … they look like paramedics. 2. Use of medical terminology. 3. Narrating his own actions. 4. Clear instructions to his […]