EMS Tips

Training for K9 Search and Rescue (#31daysofCE)

Update: After 11 wonderful years of companionship we said goodbye to Sousa on 12/20/2011. He will be missed. Nine years ago this month I brought home a wonderful yellow lab puppy. We had been visiting him once a week for the last month and knew he was going to be a great companion. Sousa (aka […]

Social Media Tips

Build your Brand with Social Media (#31daysofCE)

About a year ago I dove into different social media tools. I think my first foray was Facebook. Then before I knew it I had multiple Twitter accounts, several blogs, profiles on five Ning social networks, a LinkedIn profile, a YouTube channel, a Flickr account, and RSS subscriptions to dozens of blogs. Based just on […]

EMS Tips Health and Wellness

Functional Fitness (#31daysofCE)

This morning health and wellness expert Melissa Cassera contributed an excellent guest post to Everyday EMS Tips about choosing healthy foods while working (living?) on the road. Regular readers know that personal health, fitness, and overall wellness are among my favorite topics for this blog. I thought I would follow-up Melissa’s post with a few […]

EMS Tips Health and Wellness

Recognition and Treatment of Sepsis (#31daysofCE)

Urinary tract infections, infected pressure sores, and lower respiratory infections are initially local infections. If assessed and treated early these infections can be contained to that location. Unfortunately, as Everyday EMS Tips readers, are well aware local infections can go unnoticed, especially in bed confined patients, for days. I am sure you have responded to […]

EMS Education Tips News and Events

Diabetic Emergencies (#31daysofCE)

Everyday EMS Tips readers know that diabetic emergencies while being among the most common types incident we respond to are also some of the most challenging. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are two of many causes of altered mental status. Always remember to cast a wide net, consider all possible causes, and rule out possibilities as you […]

News and Events

AIDS/HIV Continuing Education for EMTs and Paramedics (#31daysofCE)

Today (December 1, 2009) is World AIDS Day. The purpose of this day is to draw attention to the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. To learn more visit the CDC World Aids day website. Many EMTs and Paramedics have a regular continuing education requirement to learn about HIV/AIDS symptoms, transmission, prevention, and treatment. This requirement is often […]