Does winter still have an icy grip on your service area?
These are articles, podcasts, and more that caught my eye this month. What caught your attention?
EMS Research Priorities
Steve Whitehead asks, “What are the most pressing questions for EMS research?” I just recently renewed my lapsed subscription to the Journal of Prehospital Emergency Care so Steve’s question is timely. I think step one, at least for me, is to catch up with the research being done. In the January/March 2013 issue I read articles about research related to storage of benzos, characteristics of EMS response, impact of vassopressors on ROSC, shift length and fatigue, and IV start success. All fascinating topics. Are you keeping up with EMS research?
B2 Paramedic Helmet
The B2 paramedic helmet is coming soon. I believe wearing a helmet is an important next step to improve safety in the patient care compartment. There will be significant obstacles to adoption including, but not limited to, existing feeling of invincibility, general resistance to PPE of any kid, cost, and growing a safety culture to always use a helmet, along with appropriate seat belt restraint while in the back of the ambulance. Learn about the B2, designed by paramedic and product innovator Dan White.
LVAD Training now Available to CentreLearn LMS organizations
One of the most frequent requests I receive at CentreLearn is for Left Ventriclar Assist Device (LVAD) training. The Thoratec corporation gave CentreLearn permission to deliver its LVAD training videos, which allows training officers to assign the videos to personnel and track and report completion. See the CentreLearn LVAD announcement.
Empowering Students
This article from, 5 Steps to Empowering Students, caught my eye because of its focus on students taking responsibility for their own learning. It is also an argument for instructors to give up some control in the classroom. This line is especially good about the use of handheld technology in the classroom, “Many educators tell students to turn off their electronic devices when they walk into the classroom. However, it can be incredibly empowering to do just the opposite.”
Did you see the Gorilla?
Listen to or read this NPR great story about how our brains often only see what we want to see.
MONOC Public Service Announcement
Finally, watch this fascinating PSA from MONOC about the difficulty of hearing and responding to an ambulance siren.
Note: you can also view the videos on the Thoratec website.