Some of posts, blogs, and articles that caught my attention.
NAEMT updates Code of Ethics for EMS Practitioners. Print and share this at your next training meeting. Ask members to describe which each bullet point might look like in practice. Discuss how to handle different ethical dilemmas.
Yesterday Rom Duckworth introduced me to Fit for Duty Consulting and Dr. Karlie Moore. The first post I read was “Should firefighters run for exercise?” I am looking forward to reading more from Dr. Moore.
Paramedic students worked on a class project to create a public service announcement about how vehicle drivers should react to an emergency vehicle with red lights and sirens. Great video you can embed in your blog or share on your department’s Facebook page.
As an Onion reader for several decades, at least fifty years, I am a big fan of fake news. Call the Cops has become my go to source for news about emergency responders. Enjoy! Sources tell me they were inspired by my how to write a parody post article. is offering a CE webinar today on musculoskeletal injury assessment and treatment. Learn more and sign-up.
You can also earn an hour of CE (free for a limited time) from ZOLL and by watching this video and taking a test on implementation of dispatcher assisted CPR.