National EMS Week is just 8 days away. By now planning of events and recognition for your agency should be complete. What are you doing to celebrate the contributions of EMS to your community?
Like most recognition days, weeks, or months I believe celebration and affirmation should be ongoing through the year and not set aside for just one day or week.
Here are some Everyday EMS Tips to recognize member and agency contributions throughout the year:
- Acknowledge member’s length of service anniversary on the actual anniversary date.
- Ask customers for testimonial letters about the service they received. Share the original with the patient care crew. Post a copy for all members to see.
- Set attainable goals for accomplishment of specific patient assessment and treatment techniques in 1 month and 3 month increments. Review PCRs to assess meeting those goals and recognize successful accomplishment at member meetings or by all-staff email.
- Host regular social events for members. Quarterly or semi-annual has always felt about right to me.
- ASK members about the recognition they would like to receive. We all have different expectations and needs for recognition. An EMS week gift might be adequate for some and totally inadequate for others.
Use the comments area to share how your service is celebrating EMS week.