EMT and EMS Blogger David Konig works in a busy urban EMS system where he is frequently asked by bystanders about how to become an EMT. David tells them the first start is to become a certified EMT. These are David’s five Everyday EMS Tips, originally posted at DavidKonig.com, to become a certified EMT. 1. […]
Category: Guest Blogger
The fliers are out, the merchandise is on the shelves, and it is impossible to avoid the fact that a new school year is only weeks away. As a new EMS student, you can prepare for your school year by using these 5 Everyday EMS Tips to immerse yourself in the emergency medical field. 1. […]
This is a guest post by Carissa O’Brien. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. Considering EMT school? Have you decided to dive in, but not sure of what’s in store? Here are five Everyday EMS Tips from recent EMT Basic course graduate Caraissa Caramanis O’Brien for you […]
Have you ever had a partner that said, “just make something up” or “we can just guess because nobody looks at those anyway” or “those forms don’t matter so stop filling them out.” Being complacent or complacency is making the choice to do things part way or not quite good enough. In the end it […]
This is a guest post by Amber Riviere. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. EMS managers, take note. If your website serves (or should serve) as a recruiting station for employees, here are four Everyday EMS Tips from Amber Riviere, BrownBugProject.com, to get your website in shape […]
The summer months mark a time of increased run volume in most EMS systems as vacationers indulge in recreation and exertion not normally pursued during the rest of the year. The warmer weather increases our exposure to heat-related injuries not only in our patients but also in ourselves as workloads increase under higher temperatures and […]
Wendy Goldband, author, and Bill Davis, a father of an autistic child co-authored the book Dangerous Encounters: avoiding perilous situations with autism (Amazon link) contributed this post to Everyday EMS Tips. This post is an excerpt from the book. Wendy Goldbland and Bill Davis write: About one in every 150 children in the U.S. is […]
A while back Steve Whitehead wrote a great post for the EMTSpot.com that explained five things that he felt made an ideal partner. This prompted me to ask, “What do you do if you get teamed up with a bad partner?” This is Steve’s response and Everyday EMS Tips for making it through the day […]