How are you coming on your New Year’s resolutions? About a month ago you might have proclaimed a stellar goal for 2018 to family or friends or made a silent oath to yourself to make an improvement or accomplish something big. Perhaps you committed to eating healthier, losing 10 pounds, learning more about STEMI treatment or even writing a biography about your years on the streets.
What goals did you set for 2018?
Three themes emerge from dozens of Everyday EMS Athlete profiles and Medical Author Chat podcast interviews with paramedics and other healthcare professionals that have written books about their experiences.
1. Just Get Started
On the Medical Author Chat podcast I asked authors for their advice for aspiring authors. Nearly every author has offered this advice, “START.”
Every book starts with a single word, followed by more words. Don’t plan, outline, or even edit when you get started. Simply start writing. Let the words flow.
The same goes for fitness and health goals. Start now. Eat less. Move more.
2. Assemble the Right Tools
Some authors move forward by writing their first draft long hand on a yellow legal pad. Others promote the utility of a lightweight and durable laptop computer. Regardless of the tool, pick something that works for you. Keep those tools close by and use them in free moments and blocks of time you schedule.
Everyday EMS athletes often start without any specific tools and use what is at hand. Walking laps in the apparatus bay while waiting for the next call, riding the old bike in their garage to work or using some of Bryan Fass’ exercises. As their fitness improves and goals clarify for a race or an event they purchase running shoes, a GPS watch, or road bike. Start with what is at hand and build from there.
3. Move Forward for a Purpose
Published authors and Everyday EMS athletes always point to a purpose that caused them to move forward. Commonly it is the impending birth of a child or a realization that their own fitness is limiting their ability to enjoy their children, ominous news about their health during an annual physical or the recognition that they have an opportunity to teach or inspire those around them.
What’s motivating you?
How are you moving forward in 2018?