EMS Tips

App Information: EMT Tutor

This post was contributed by Micah Holmes of Code3Apps. Leave a comment about what makes a great EMS and you might get picked for a free EMT Tutor download code.

The EMT Tutor (iTunes link) is an educational development app for the EMT.  It was developed drawing from my knowledge and past experience, which includes training and developing yet to be nationally registered EMTs.  The app attempts to prepare EMTs for three things:

EMT iphone app

a) Passing EMT class

b) Passing the National Registry exam

c) Preparing for hands-on application of the material.

This is a difficult combination because many textbooks and EMT classes are geared to an older, recollection-of-material based assessment process; whereas the National Registry has moved to more of a scenario-based assessment, which values critical thinking.  This discrepancy has led to many students acing the class portion and then struggling on the National Registry Exam.  The EMT Tutor app attempts to prepare students for both while also transferring this knowledge and information to hands-on skills and critical, on-the-go, lights and sirens, real deal decision making.

About the App

The EMT Tutor app has four sections that are meant to assist EMTs of all backgrounds with the content required by the NREMT.

  • Quizzes: almost 1000 multiple-choice based questions divided into sections including the newer Anatomy and Physiology and Pathophysiology.
  • Flashcards: almost 1000 flashcards including terms, doses, skills, etc.
  • Scenarios: over 60 different step-by-step scenarios, which can be used to prepare for the NREMT, discuss with an FI or just to review and hone skills.
  • Toolbox: include all of the up-to-date NREMT skills stations, and some differential check-offs to aid in report writing and in reviewing calls.

EMT iphone app

Some additional features were added to make the app more useful, including bookmarking, randomization and explanations. Bookmarking allows the user to revisit trouble areas.  I found this to be essential for the user to be able to tailor the app however he or she needs.  It does not help to re-review 1000 flashcards before the NREMT if you’re only having trouble with 100 of them. Randomization of all potential answers in a question was included so that the user does not remember where the correct answer is, only WHAT the correct answer is.  This allows the user to reuse our material rather than consume it on one pass through.   Finally, explanations are included for all quiz questions to further assist the learning process.

As the writer and developer of the EMT Tutor, I of course have a special attachment to my application but I do realize that nothing great is created in a vacuum.  It is for this reason that I offer it up to some of the best and most experienced to evaluate.  One of the reasons that I started writing EMS apps is because of my involvement in another app developer’s project that I saw as less than comprehensive and not as concerned with the development of EMTs.  Questions were taken off of the Internet, or copied word for word from outdated textbooks.  For these reasons I have attempted to develop a training tool that fits into your pocket.  I am looking for honest feedback and suggestions on how to make the app experience better for both seasoned veterans, and EMTs in training. (After all, aren’t we all still in training?)

EMT iphone appFeedback Welcome

I welcome any and all feedback from those that test the app.  It will always be a work in progress, so know that feedback will not be taken lightly.  I am also interested in including other content into the app; so new scenarios, situations and information are always welcome.  Feel free to email me –, follow the Code3Apps blog, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.  Thanks again, and stay safe out there.

iTunes Link: EMT Tutor App


By Greg Friese

Greg Friese, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, is an author, educator, paramedic, and marathon runner.

Greg was the co-host of the award winning EMSEduCast podcast, the only podcast by and for EMS educators. Greg has written for,, Wilderness Medical Associates, JEMS Magazine, and EMS World Magazine, and the NAEMSE Educator Newsletter.