EMS Education Tips

Textbook: Foundations of Education – an EMS Approach

From time-to-time I get asked, “When are you going to write a textbook about EMS education and technology in EMS education?” Actually, I never get asked that question. But, I did write a chapter for Foundations of Education: An EMS Approach ( link).

EMS Tips

Where can I practice reading 12 Leads?

A reader asked, “Where can I practice reading 12 lead EKGs?” These are some resources I have used to learn more about and practice 12 lead EKG interpretation: Also check out the 12 lead books in the Everyday EMS Tips bookstore.  1. EKG Club 2. EMS 12 Lead Blog 3. ECG Course Weekly Practice 12 […]

EMS Education Tips Social Media Tips

Poll: Favorite Paramedic Textbook

My friends on Twitter are discussing the pros and cons of the different paramedic student textbooks. Which is your favorite? Paramedics and paramedic students vote here for your favorite paramedic book. Are you partial to Dr. Bledsoe et al? Do you like the new Nancy Caroline, MD text? In the comments are describe your ideal […]