News and Events

How many paramedics have been certified in 2021?

Social media: NOT MANY! Social media: this is the final nail in the coffin of EMS NREMT: Wait, those are just the numbers through January. Social media: Yeah, we knew that. My take on this week’s viral conversation about how many new EMTs and paramedics have been certified in 2021 is here … Viral NREMT […]

EMS Tips

EMS Tips – Fatigue is Deadly – Glucagon Rarely Used – Paramedic Refresher

1. Police say driver asleep at the wheel “An EMS provider driving an ambulance that crashed and resulted in the death of an EMT fell asleep behind the wheel, according to police.” This tragic incident happened just a week after the release of 5 evidence-based guidelines for fatigue management in EMS. Recommend using fatigue/sleepiness survey instruments to […]

EMS Education Tips

How to Pass the NREMT

Passing the NREMT starts with taking responsibility for your own learning. Choose success. To achieve success, do the work throughout the course: Go to class and sit in the front row Ask your teacher questions, but never ask “Do we need to know this for the test?” Read the textbook before class Take notes Review […]

EMS Education Tips

Best AHA Courses Yet – Isn’t it ironic

The 2010 AHA guidelines, as I recall, were released in late 2010. Meaning I would have first recertified to the updated guidelines in 2012. And then again in 2014. With my NREMT re-registration nearing (March 31) and Wisconsin EMT-P due at the end of the June I needed to recertify BLS healthcare provider and ACLS. I also […]

EMS Education Tips

Reader Question: Paramedic Review Books and NREMT Test Prep

A reader writes, “Do you have a suggestion for good paramedic review books or computer programs for NREMT paramedic examination prep?” Share your suggestions in the comments area. I have heard good things about, but have not used: FISDAP from Platinum Education Limmer Creative Apps   #166273145 /

EMS Education Tips

Alternate Posting Location: MedicCast Episode 376 from EMS Today 2014

Jamie Davis, the pod medic, was kind enough to let me guest host an EMS education related episode of the MedicCast from the EMS Today 2014 Exhibit hall. The episode starts at the 12:15 mark in the video. I discuss Google Glass, NREMT Testing, and hybrid (online and classroom) education with Gabe Romero and Justin […]

EMS Tips

Day 3 at Wisconsin EMS Association Conference #WEMSA

Saturday was the closing day of the Wisconsin EMS Association conference. An Amazing Value As you look for an EMS conference with national, high caliber speakers, a large exhibit hall, and a rich social scene I want you to consider traveling to WEMSA 2014. Consider this: The block room rate was $109 per night at […]

News and Events

Day 2 at Wisconsin EMS Association Conference #WEMSA

I spent the majority of my day at the CentreLearn booth in the exhibit hall. It was fun to talk about online education with CentreLearn customers, interested training officers, and skeptics about the effectiveness of online training. Asking the NAEMT Questions about NREMT Next to the CentreLearn booth is the National Association of EMTs. I […]

EMS Education Tips

Recommendations for Returning to EMS

A paramedic has “been out of the field for a few years” and wants to get back in. Last week I asked subscribers what study guides, practice tests, web sites, training programs, and books they would recommend to this paramedic. These are the responses I received: Review NREMT Requirements John recommends starting with reviewing the […]

EMS Tips

Continuing Education and Recertification: Posts Outside the Service Area

In my business developing online education programs I notice big usage surges towards the end of each quarter. The biggest surges come as the calendar approaches December 31 (for EMTs and paramedics that recertify at the end of the calendar year) and March 31 (associated with National Registry recertification). Passing the NREMT CBT Exam Sean […]