EMS Tips

EMS Tips – Form a Prehospital Field Amputation Team

Plano, Texas firefighters summoned their recently formed Field Amputation Team when a worker’s leg became trapped in a piece of ditch digging machinery. “Frisco firefighters reached Palma just five minutes after the accident, but they couldn’t free him. His leg would need to be amputated right there, amid the dirt and rocks. Luckily, there was a plan […]

News and Events

Video: Louisville Amputee Hoping to Return to Work as a Paramedic

Watch this video about Paramedic Joe Riffe and his efforts to return to work as a paramedic after an above the knee amputation. Visit Joe’s blog to follow his journey.  

EMS Tips Safety Tips

Hand vs. Snow Blower: Tips for Prevention and Treatment of Finger Amputations

This is a guest post by Dan Williams. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. There are three main staples to Wisconsin winters:  Snow, snow blowers, and amputations. When the first heavy and wet snow of the year arrives, it is not a matter of if amputations will […]

EMS Tips

Responding to Hand and Finger Trauma (#31daysofCE)

After spending four days with a group of industrial first responders I have enough hand and finger crush, degloving, and amputation stories to last the rest of my careers as an EMS educator. I was really surprised at the frequency which the students respond to hand and finger trauma ranging from simple lacerations to full […]